Some details from my new painting “The Knowledge Within”-80×55cm. oil on linen canvas, 2020

Some details from my new painting “The Knowledge Within”-80×55cm. oil on linen canvas, 2020

Category : Art

Some details from my new painting “The Knowledge Within”-80×55cm. oil on linen canvas, 2020

The Knowledge Within:
When you begin to look inside yourself, some important questions come to your mind- What is it that I like to do the most? Why do I like this and not something else? Why is it important to me?, With that comes a new awareness and understanding about everything that matters to you. Gradually you realise that you have begun talking to your soul. And It is the soul that, when heard, begins to “release”, like a swan with outstretched wings, the knowledge it carries within. And the answers to our questions are revealed spontaneously as insight, a revelation. So gradually, slowly but with perseverance, we begin to understand the deep meaning of everything that exists. The ancient knowledge which many wise and enlightened people had written about is inside ourselves! And it’s no coincidence that they say “Know Yourself”! We just have to listen to our soul…